2. Journey of the Senses for the Feet
Play Track:
Journey of the Senses for the Feet
The Fox makes its way from the woods into the city where it is not nice to walk barefoot, and the Fox needs shoes.
An exercise session on the Fox’s journey from the woods to the city: from the soft moss, passing through the water and through the cold, to the rough and hard. The Play Track will have rudimentary surfaces to touch and feel, and these surfaces will represent the pile of twigs, the pine cones, the mound of moss, the puddle of water and the asphalt in the story.
Everyone experiments with the different materials by touching them with their toes, jumping, walking, creeping and walking barefoot on them (soft, rough, cold). Everyone should pay attention to their toes and feet, whether they feel bad or good. What types of surfaces does the Fox encounter? What kinds of faces does the Fox make on each different surface?